
The writer's blogk

kickstartThunder claps slap me in my stomach and heart

the sound so loud I can feel it’s power to my core

the rain is disjointed, fragmented and like nails

brittle, metallic, piercing upon my tin roof

cold drapes her cape and darkness is too early

Winters’ chilly breath clings to me and all else

with crispy shattered glass grass and black icy roads

time hibernates

in a torpor while waiting for

the kick-start of Spring

Iron grey afternoons, misty mornings and

chilly bedsheets

embrace every day with a choking chilliness

a resistant prisoner I will wait

as a hibernating bear or a frozen tundra

stillness and a rigor about me will be chipped away

with every day of Spring

as I am hurtled with a kick-start

back into a living thing

 © Kait King, 2015

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